

Install Python 3.4+ including pip3, git 1.9+ and an appropriate JDK to run Elasticsearch Be sure that JAVA_HOME points to that JDK. Then run the following command, optionally prefixed by sudo if necessary:

pip3 install esrally

If you have any trouble or need more detailed instructions, look in the detailed installation guide.


Just invoke esrally configure.

For more detailed instructions and a detailed walkthrough see the configuration guide.

Run your first race

Now we’re ready to run our first race:

esrally --distribution-version=6.0.0

This will download Elasticsearch 6.0.0 and run Rally’s default track - the geonames track - against it. After the race, a summary report is written to the command line::

    _______             __   _____
   / ____(_)___  ____ _/ /  / ___/_________  ________
  / /_  / / __ \/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
 / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /   ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_/   /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   /____/\___/\____/_/   \___/

|                         Metric |                 Task |     Value |   Unit |
|            Total indexing time |                      |   28.0997 |    min |
|               Total merge time |                      |   6.84378 |    min |
|             Total refresh time |                      |   3.06045 |    min |
|               Total flush time |                      |  0.106517 |    min |
|      Total merge throttle time |                      |   1.28193 |    min |
|               Median CPU usage |                      |     471.6 |      % |
|             Total Young Gen GC |                      |    16.237 |      s |
|               Total Old Gen GC |                      |     1.796 |      s |
|                     Index size |                      |   2.60124 |     GB |
|                Totally written |                      |   11.8144 |     GB |
|         Heap used for segments |                      |   14.7326 |     MB |
|       Heap used for doc values |                      |  0.115917 |     MB |
|            Heap used for terms |                      |   13.3203 |     MB |
|            Heap used for norms |                      | 0.0734253 |     MB |
|           Heap used for points |                      |    0.5793 |     MB |
|    Heap used for stored fields |                      |  0.643608 |     MB |
|                  Segment count |                      |        97 |        |
|                 Min Throughput |         index-append |   31925.2 | docs/s |
|              Median Throughput |         index-append |   39137.5 | docs/s |
|                 Max Throughput |         index-append |   39633.6 | docs/s |
|      50.0th percentile latency |         index-append |   872.513 |     ms |
|      90.0th percentile latency |         index-append |   1457.13 |     ms |
|      99.0th percentile latency |         index-append |   1874.89 |     ms |
|       100th percentile latency |         index-append |   2711.71 |     ms |
| 50.0th percentile service time |         index-append |   872.513 |     ms |
| 90.0th percentile service time |         index-append |   1457.13 |     ms |
| 99.0th percentile service time |         index-append |   1874.89 |     ms |
|  100th percentile service time |         index-append |   2711.71 |     ms |
|                           ...  |                  ... |       ... |    ... |
|                           ...  |                  ... |       ... |    ... |
|                 Min Throughput |     painless_dynamic |   2.53292 |  ops/s |
|              Median Throughput |     painless_dynamic |   2.53813 |  ops/s |
|                 Max Throughput |     painless_dynamic |   2.54401 |  ops/s |
|      50.0th percentile latency |     painless_dynamic |    172208 |     ms |
|      90.0th percentile latency |     painless_dynamic |    310401 |     ms |
|      99.0th percentile latency |     painless_dynamic |    341341 |     ms |
|      99.9th percentile latency |     painless_dynamic |    344404 |     ms |
|       100th percentile latency |     painless_dynamic |    344754 |     ms |
| 50.0th percentile service time |     painless_dynamic |    393.02 |     ms |
| 90.0th percentile service time |     painless_dynamic |   407.579 |     ms |
| 99.0th percentile service time |     painless_dynamic |   430.806 |     ms |
| 99.9th percentile service time |     painless_dynamic |   457.352 |     ms |
|  100th percentile service time |     painless_dynamic |   459.474 |     ms |

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 2634 seconds)

Next steps

Now you can check how to run benchmarks, get a better understanding how to interpret the numbers in the summary report or start to create your own tracks. Be sure to check also some tips and tricks to help you understand how to solve specific problems in Rally.

Also run esrally --help to see what options are available and keep the command line reference handy for more detailed explanations of each option.