Tips and Tricks

This section covers various tips and tricks in a recipe-style fashion.

Benchmarking an existing cluster


If you are just getting started with Rally and don’t understand how it works, do NOT run it against any production or production-like cluster. Besides, benchmarks should be executed in a dedicated environment anyway where no additional traffic skews results.


We assume in this recipe, that Rally is already properly configured.

Consider the following configuration: You have an existing benchmarking cluster, that consists of three Elasticsearch nodes running on,, You’ve setup the cluster yourself and want to benchmark it with Rally. Rally is installed on

Sample Benchmarking Scenario

First of all, we need to decide on a track. So, we run esrally list tracks:

Name        Description                                          Documents  Compressed Size    Uncompressed Size    Default Challenge        All Challenges
----------  -------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------------
geonames    POIs from Geonames                                    11396505  252.4 MB           3.3 GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
geopoint    Point coordinates from PlanetOSM                      60844404  481.9 MB           2.3 GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
http_logs   HTTP server log data                                 247249096  1.2 GB             31.1 GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
nested      StackOverflow Q&A stored as nested docs               11203029  663.1 MB           3.4 GB               nested-search-challenge  nested-search-challenge,...
noaa        Global daily weather measurements from NOAA           33659481  947.3 MB           9.0 GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
nyc_taxis   Taxi rides in New York in 2015                       165346692  4.5 GB             74.3 GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
percolator  Percolator benchmark based on AOL queries              2000000  102.7 kB           104.9 MB             append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...
pmc         Full text benchmark with academic papers from PMC       574199  5.5 GB             21.7 GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,appe...

We’re interested in a full text benchmark, so we’ll choose to run pmc. If you have your own data that you want to use for benchmarks create your own track instead; the metrics you’ll gather will be more representative and useful than some default track.

Next, we need to know which machines to target which is easy as we can see that from the diagram above.

Finally we need to check which pipeline to use. For this case, the benchmark-only pipeline is suitable as we don’t want Rally to provision the cluster for us.

Now we can invoke Rally:

esrally --track=pmc --target-hosts=,, --pipeline=benchmark-only

If you have X-Pack Security enabled, then you’ll also need to specify another parameter to use https and to pass credentials:

esrally --track=pmc --target-hosts=,, --pipeline=benchmark-only --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:true,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'changeme'"

Benchmarking a remote cluster

Contrary to the previous recipe, you want Rally to provision all cluster nodes.

We will use the following configuration for the example:

  • You will start Rally on We will call this machine the “benchmark coordinator”.
  • Your Elasticsearch cluster will consist of two nodes which run on and We will call these machines the “benchmark candidate”s.
Sample Benchmarking Scenario


All esrallyd nodes form a cluster that communicates via the “benchmark coordinator”. For aesthetic reasons we do not show a direct connection between the “benchmark coordinator” and all nodes.

To run a benchmark for this scenario follow these steps:

  1. Install and configure Rally on all machines. Be sure that the same version is installed on all of them and fully configured.
  2. Start the Rally daemon on each machine. The Rally daemon allows Rally to communicate with all remote machines. On the benchmark coordinator run esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= and on the benchmark candidate machines run esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= and esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= respectively. The --node-ip parameter tells Rally the IP of the machine on which it is running. As some machines have more than one network interface, Rally will not attempt to auto-detect the machine IP. The --coordinator-ip parameter tells Rally the IP of the benchmark coordinator node.
  3. Start the benchmark by invoking Rally as usual on the benchmark coordinator, for example: esrally --distribution-version=5.0.0 --target-hosts=, Rally will derive from the --target-hosts parameter that it should provision the nodes and
  4. After the benchmark has finished you can stop the Rally daemon again. On the benchmark coordinator and on the benchmark candidates run esrallyd stop.


Logs are managed per machine, so all relevant log files and also telemetry output is stored on the benchmark candidates but not on the benchmark coordinator.

Now you might ask yourself what the differences to benchmarks of existing clusters are. In general you should aim to give Rally as much control as possible as benchmark are easier reproducible and you get more metrics. The following table provides some guidance on when to choose which option:

Your requirement Recommendation
You want to use Rally’s telemetry devices Use Rally daemon, as it can provision the remote node for you
You want to benchmark a source build of Elasticsearch Use Rally daemon, as it can build Elasticsearch for you
You want to tweak the cluster configuration yourself Use Rally daemon with a custom configuration or set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only
You need to run a benchmark with plugins Use Rally daemon if the plugins are supported or set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only
You need to run a benchmark against multiple nodes Use Rally daemon if all nodes can be configured identically. For more complex cases, set up the cluster by yourself and use --pipeline=benchmark-only

Rally daemon will be able to cover most of the cases described above in the future so there should be almost no case where you need to use the benchmark-only pipeline.

Distributing the load test driver

By default, Rally will generate load on the same machine where you start a benchmark. However, when you are benchmarking larger clusters, a single load test driver machine may not be able to generate sufficient load. In these cases, you should use multiple load driver machines. We will use the following configuration for the example:

  • You will start Rally on We will call this machine the “benchmark coordinator”.
  • You will start two load drivers on and Note that one load driver will simulate multiple clients. Rally will simply assign clients to load driver machines in a round-robin fashion.
  • Your Elasticsearch cluster will consist of three nodes which run on, and We will call these machines the “benchmark candidate”. For simplicity, we will assume an externally provisioned cluster but you can also use Rally to setup the cluster for you (see above).
Sample Benchmarking Scenario
  1. Install and configure Rally on all machines. Be sure that the same version is installed on all of them and fully configured.
  2. Start the Rally daemon on each machine. The Rally daemon allows Rally to communicate with all remote machines. On the benchmark coordinator run esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= and on the load driver machines run esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= and esrallyd start --node-ip= --coordinator-ip= respectively. The --node-ip parameter tells Rally the IP of the machine on which it is running. As some machines have more than one network interface, Rally will not attempt to auto-detect the machine IP. The --coordinator-ip parameter tells Rally the IP of the benchmark coordinator node.
  3. Start the benchmark by invoking Rally on the benchmark coordinator, for example: esrally --pipeline=benchmark-only --load-driver-hosts=, --target-hosts=,,
  4. After the benchmark has finished you can stop the Rally daemon again. On the benchmark coordinator and on the load driver machines run esrallyd stop.


Rally neither distributes code (i.e. custom runners or parameter sources) nor data automatically. You should place all tracks and their data on all machines in the same directory before starting the benchmark. Alternatively, you can store your track in a custom track repository.


As indicated in the diagram, track data will be downloaded by each load driver machine separately. If you want to avoid that, you can run a benchmark once without distributing the load test driver (i.e. do not specify --load-driver-hosts) and then copy the contents of ~/.rally/benchmarks/data to all load driver machines.

Changing the default track repository

Rally supports multiple track repositories. This allows you for example to have a separate company-internal repository for your own tracks that is separate from Rally’s default track repository. However, you always need to define --track-repository=my-custom-repository which can be cumbersome. If you want to avoid that and want Rally to use your own track repository by default you can just replace the default track repository definition in ~./rally/rally.ini. Consider this example:

default.url =
teamtrackrepo.url =

If teamtrackrepo should be the default track repository, just define it as default.url. E.g.:

default.url =

Also don’t forget to rename the folder of your local working copy as Rally will search for a track repository with the name default:

cd ~/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/
mv default old-rally-default
mv teamtrackrepo default

From now on, Rally will treat your repository as default and you need to run Rally with --track-repository=old-rally-default if you want to use the out-of-the-box Rally tracks.

Testing Rally against CCR clusters using a remote metric store

Testing Rally features (such as the ccr-stats telemetry device) requiring Elasticsearch clusters configured for cross-cluster replication can be a time consuming process. Use recipes/ccr in Rally’s repository to test a simple but complete example.

Running the script requires Docker locally installed and performs the following actions:

  1. Starts a single node (512MB heap) Elasticsearch cluster locally, to serve as a metrics store. It also starts Kibana attached to the Elasticsearch metric store cluster.
  2. Creates a new configuration file for Rally under ~/.rally/rally-metricstore.ini referencing Elasticsearch from step 1.
  3. Starts two additional local Elasticsearch clusters with 1 node each, (version 7.3.2 by default) called leader and follower listening at ports 32901 and 32902 respectively. Each node uses 1GB heap.
  4. Accepts the trial license.
  5. Configures leader on the follower as a remote cluster.
  6. Sets an auto-follow pattern on the follower for every index on the leader to be replicated as <leader-index-name>-copy.
  7. Runs the geonames track, append-no-conflicts-index-only challenge challenge, ingesting only 20% of the corpus using 3 primary shards. It also enables the ccr-stats telemetry device with a sample rate interval of 1s.

Rally will push metrics to the metric store configured in 1. and they can be visualized by accessing Kibana at http://locahost:5601.

To tear down everything issue ./

It is possible to specify a different version of Elasticsearch for step 3. by setting export ES_VERSION=<the_desired_version>.