Compare Results: Tournaments#
Suppose, we want to analyze the impact of a performance improvement.
First, we need a baseline measurement. For example:
esrally race --track=pmc --revision=latest --user-tags="intention:baseline_github_1234"
Above we run the baseline measurement based on the latest source code revision of Elasticsearch. We can use the command line parameter --user-tags
to provide a key-value pair to document the intent of a race.
Then we implement our changes and finally we want to run another benchmark to see the performance impact of the change. In that case, we do not want Rally to change our source tree and thus specify the pseudo-revision current
esrally race --track=pmc --revision=current --user-tags="intention:reduce_alloc_1234"
After we’ve run both races, we want to know about the performance impact. With Rally we can analyze differences of two given races easily. First of all, we need to find two races to compare by issuing esrally list races
$ esrally list races
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Recent races:
Race ID Race Timestamp Track Track Parameters Challenge Car User Tags
------------------------------------ ---------------- ------- ------------------ ------------------ -------- ------------------------------
beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7 20160518T122341Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults intention:reduce_alloc_1234
0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce 20160518T112057Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults intention:baseline_github_1234
0cfb3576-3025-4c17-b672-d6c9e811b93e 20160518T101957Z pmc append-no-conflicts defaults
We can see that the user tags help us to recognize races. We want to compare the two most recent races and have to provide the two race IDs in the next step:
$ esrally compare --baseline=0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce --contender=beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7
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Comparing baseline
Race ID: 0bfd4542-3821-4c79-81a2-0858636068ce
Race timestamp: 2016-05-18 11:20:57
Challenge: append-no-conflicts
Car: defaults
with contender
Race ID: beb154e4-0a05-4f45-ad9f-e34f9a9e51f7
Race timestamp: 2016-05-18 12:23:41
Challenge: append-no-conflicts
Car: defaults
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Metric Baseline Contender Diff
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -----------------
Min Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 19501 19118 -383.00000
Median Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 20232 19927.5 -304.45833
Max Indexing Throughput [docs/s] 21172 20849 -323.00000
Total indexing time [min] 55.7989 56.335 +0.53603
Total merge time [min] 12.9766 13.3115 +0.33495
Total refresh time [min] 5.20067 5.20097 +0.00030
Total flush time [min] 0.0648667 0.0681833 +0.00332
Total merge throttle time [min] 0.796417 0.879267 +0.08285
Query latency term (50.0 percentile) [ms] 2.10049 2.15421 +0.05372
Query latency term (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.77537 2.84168 +0.06630
Query latency term (100.0 percentile) [ms] 4.52081 5.15368 +0.63287
Query latency country_agg (50.0 percentile) [ms] 112.049 110.385 -1.66392
Query latency country_agg (90.0 percentile) [ms] 128.426 124.005 -4.42138
Query latency country_agg (100.0 percentile) [ms] 155.989 133.797 -22.19185
Query latency scroll (50.0 percentile) [ms] 16.1226 14.4974 -1.62519
Query latency scroll (90.0 percentile) [ms] 17.2383 15.4079 -1.83043
Query latency scroll (100.0 percentile) [ms] 18.8419 18.4241 -0.41784
Query latency country_agg_cached (50.0 percentile) [ms] 1.70223 1.64502 -0.05721
Query latency country_agg_cached (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.34819 2.04318 -0.30500
Query latency country_agg_cached (100.0 percentile) [ms] 3.42547 2.86814 -0.55732
Query latency default (50.0 percentile) [ms] 5.89058 5.83409 -0.05648
Query latency default (90.0 percentile) [ms] 6.71282 6.64662 -0.06620
Query latency default (100.0 percentile) [ms] 7.65307 7.3701 -0.28297
Query latency phrase (50.0 percentile) [ms] 1.82687 1.83193 +0.00506
Query latency phrase (90.0 percentile) [ms] 2.63714 2.46286 -0.17428
Query latency phrase (100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.39892 4.22367 -1.17525
Median CPU usage (index) [%] 668.025 679.15 +11.12499
Median CPU usage (stats) [%] 143.75 162.4 +18.64999
Median CPU usage (search) [%] 223.1 229.2 +6.10000
Total Young Gen GC time [s] 39.447 40.456 +1.00900
Total Young Gen GC count 10 11 +1.00000
Total Old Gen GC time [s] 7.108 7.703 +0.59500
Total Old Gen GC count 10 11 +1.00000
Index size [GB] 3.25475 3.25098 -0.00377
Total written [GB] 17.8434 18.3143 +0.47083
Heap used for segments [MB] 21.7504 21.5901 -0.16037
Heap used for doc values [MB] 0.16436 0.13905 -0.02531
Heap used for terms [MB] 20.0293 19.9159 -0.11345
Heap used for norms [MB] 0.105469 0.0935669 -0.01190
Heap used for points [MB] 0.773487 0.772155 -0.00133
Heap used for points [MB] 0.677795 0.669426 -0.00837
Segment count 136 121 -15.00000
Indices Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] 3.16053 3.21023 +0.04969
Indices Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] 5.29526 3.94132 -1.35393
Indices Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.64971 7.02374 +1.37403
Nodes Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] 3.19611 3.15251 -0.04360
Nodes Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] 4.44111 4.87003 +0.42892
Nodes Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms] 5.22527 5.66977 +0.44450